‘Is That?’ ‘Yup.’ ‘Oh, Nice.’ ‘Thanks.’ Says Two Guys Standing Around A Motorcycle In A State Of Total Peacefulness

‘Is That?’ ‘Yup.’ ‘Oh, Nice.’ ‘Thanks.’ Says Two Guys Standing Around A Motorcycle In A State Of Total Peacefulness

Two adult men are locked in an elevated state of serenity in the man shed as they stand around a motorcycle and kick at things.

“They’ve been out there for over an hour and we’re starting to get a little worried,” said one of the wives of the men. “Not because they are in any danger, but because we’re pretty upset that they’re oozing more zen energy from standing out there than I could muster after dozens of spa days and goat yoga sessions.”

No comments were given from the men, who seemed to have reached a whole new level of mindfulness. We were able to record part of the conversation they had together, though.

“Is that?”


“Oh, nice.”


“Did these come on it?”

“Yup, but not these.”


“Yup, makes all the difference.”

“I bet.”

“Have you seen the new thing they got for this right here?”

“Oh, yeah, that fixes this thing?”





They’ve been out there for over an hour and we’re starting to get a little worried. Not because they are in any danger, but because we’re pretty upset that they’re oozing more zen energy from standing out there than I could muster after dozens of spa days and goat yoga sessions.
— Concerned wife of one of the men

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