After 8th Crash, Moto-Influencer Now Totally Qualified To Dish Out Riding Advice To Others

After 8th Crash, Moto-Influencer Now Totally Qualified To Dish Out Riding Advice To Others

A local kid is spewing out riding advice across the internet after believing that his eighth crash in four years was finally the one to propel him into moto-enlightenment. You know, after the guard rail.

“With great road rash comes great responsibility and boy am I reminded by just how much responsibility I have during every shower,” said Zachary Wastaw. “I vow to spend every 5th post – aka the one that isn’t sponsored content – helping new riders be just like me; an experienced rider with experience who has experienced the high-sides and low-sides of the riding experience… literally.”

Thanks to this new take on life, Zachary has begun blessing the internet with zingers such as:

“It’s not a matter of IF you crash, but WHEN… is what I tell everyone to try and justify my own irresponsible past.”

“You want to put all your weight on the inside peg… or sometimes the outside one. All I know is Rossi puts all his weight on both pegs and none of the pegs at the same time.”

“I’ll put it simple: if you’re going hard enough left, you’ll find yourself turning right. I actually stole that one from Disney’s hit movie, ‘Cars.’ I think it might have helped me wrap my head around countersteering.”

“The trick to slowing down as fast as possible is to never touch the rear brake. 115% of your power comes from the front brake and 80% of people who use the back brake get AIDS and die. Look it up.”

With great road rash comes great responsibility and boy am I reminded by just how much responsibility I have during every shower. I vow to spend every 5th post – aka the one that isn’t sponsored content – helping new riders be just like me; an experienced rider with experience who has experienced the high-sides and low-sides of the riding experience… literally.
— Zachary Wastaw, Aggressive Motorcycle Dismounter

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