‘Gotta Polish The Disco Ball,’ Says Man On His 41st Excuse This Week To Sit In Garage And Look At Bike
A local man has already used up his 41st excuse of the week (polishing the family disco ball) to sit in the garage and stare at his motorcycle – an impressive and worrying feat considering it’s just Wednesday.
“I know a grown man shouldn’t need an excuse to abandon all of his responsibilities and sit in silence in the garage an hour at a time, multiple times per day… but it’s much easier for non-motorcyclists to cope with your absence when ‘staring at the very machine that makes life make sense,” said Scott Dilbert, amateur mancave meditator.
By being on his 41st excuse already, that means Mr. Dilbert has already used up the classic excuses like, “I thought I heard something,” “I think I left the lights on,” “I gotta take out the trash,” “‘Gotta check my tire pressure,” and “I’m a little gassy, so better out there than in here.”
“I usually pace myself better than this, but I just cleaned my bike and I installed new tires, so the fresh rubber smell in there is divine right now,” Mr. Dilbert said. “I’m going to have to start getting creative with my next excuses. I’m thinking ‘I gotta change the blinker fluid’ or ‘I gotta alternate all the screwdrivers from righty-tighty to lefty-loosey.’
“I know a grown man shouldn’t need an excuse to abandon all of his responsibilities and sit in silence in the garage an hour at a time, multiple times per day… but it’s much easier for non-motorcyclists to cope with your absence when ‘staring at the very machine that makes life make sense.”